2016, are you really half over? I’m seeing pumpkins, cornucopias, and even some twinkling holiday items at the craft store. This is always a sure sign that August is near.
“Time flies when you’re having fun” sums up this year’s art journey. Teaching at Curtis Arts has been great, especially seeing students being happy with the paintings they created. Like this:
These workshops are called “Coffee&Canvas” because we’re painting Saturday mornings with java. The energy in these sessions is high, not from the caffeine, but from friends painting with friends and loving the creative experience. Step-by-step we paint together, so even beginners are learning acrylic painting techniques. I’m also teaching color mixing, values, and composition tips. This is our next project being held August 13 and registration includes every single thing you’ll need:
Register here:https://register.asapconnected.com/Courses.aspx?CourseGroupID=4329
Also this year, I’ve taught a Casual Watercolor 6-week workshop introducing my favorite medium to beginners. We painted wet-into-wet, used resist techniques, painted aspen leaves and a Rocky Mountain landscape. This class is back on the Fall calendar at Curtis Arts & Humanities starting August 29 on Mondays from 1-3 p.m. and running through October 10. Here is some of the art we’ll be making:
Registration is here: http://greenwoodvillage.com/DocumentCenter/View/14923
Besides teaching, it’s always vital to keep being an art student. So I’ve engaged with modern calligraphy classes, watercolor, watercolor batik, and acrylic painting. The more knowledge I have, the more I can share.
Happy Summer! Come paint with me soon!